PC52 / B500C coil

PC52 coil / B500C coil - striated reinforcing steel

PC52 coil / B500C coil (BST500 S) are brands of reinforcing steel with striated or periodic profile. These materials are hot-rolled metallurgical products with a limited carbon content. These BST500 S / PC52 reinforcing coil are weakly alloyed and are used in construction to reinforce beams, columns, belts, slabs and other elements of concrete structures. PC52 / BST500 S reinforcing coil have a relatively low price level and a very good efficiency. These materials are preferred most of the time in the construction of structures due to their higher resistance and for superior anchoring.

Technical details of the material PC52 reinforcing steel:

  • symbolisation: P - steel with periodic profile (ro - profil periodic); C - hot rolled (laminat la cald); number 52 - breaking strength of steel.
  • material chemical composition: C - 0.220; Mn - 1,600; P - 0.045; S - 0.045; And - 0.550; Ni - 0.300; Cr - 0.300; Cu - 0.500; Ti - 0.060.
  • Mechanical properties: yield strength Rp0.2 6<d<=14 - ≥ 355 MPa, 16<d<=28 - ≥ 345 MPa, 32<d<=40 - ≥ 335 MPa; tensile load Rm 6<d<=14 - ≥ 510 MPa, 16<d<=28 - ≥ 510 MPa, 32<d<=40 - ≥ 510 MPa; elongation (A) 6<d<=14 - ≥ 20%, 16<d<=28 - ≥ 20%, 32<d<=40 - ≥ 20%.

Technical details of the material BST500 S reinforcing steel:

  • symbolisation: BSt – Betonstahl; number 500 - yield strength 500 MPa (B500C is the class with the highest ductility).
  • material chemical composition: C - 0.220; P - 0.050; S - 0.050; N - 0.012.
  • mechanical properties: yield strength Rp0.2 6<d<=28 - ≥ 500 MPa; tensile load Rm 6<d<=28 - ≥ 550 MPa; elongation (A) 6<d<=28 - ≥ 10 %.

The quality of the reinforcement, the quality of the reinforcing steel material and the percentage of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement of the sections determine the mechanical resistance and stability of the constructions.

Otelstructuri.ro sells at the best price PC52 reinforcing coil and B500C S reinforcing coil (BST500 S), striated profile, according to the current Romanian and European norms . Stock available diameters: 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 14 mm and 16 mm. Deliveries in Bucharest, Ilfov and neighboring counties.

For PC52 / BST500 S reinforcing coils offer, please send the required information to the email address!

Price offers for PC52 reinforcing steel and BST500 S reinforcing steel are updated periodically according to market fluctuations.

Offer valid within the limit of available stock.

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PC52 / B500C wire rod 10 mm

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